Sunday, March 29, 2009

hp spoiled.

My HP is spoiled,
But thx aunt anyways,
She lended me her LG secrets =D
lol always wanted to try out that phone,
Then Heng Heng she hav it!
hahas so , Bbyes to Soul, Hiieee Secrets =x
But still prefer soul.
My phone spoiled then alarm nv ringg.
Late on saturday?!
haish spoiled my day sehhx.
Then went for tuition, ended at 4:30 thens
Went to the minimart to help outs =P
Kinda boring.
formed my squad Logo already.
P.S im not in loved with Basirah okkay? (Hui Jing)
Besides that.
I am steping down from the student council. in 2 days....
So i hope all the best to all the Student Councillors,
ands that whatever the outcome ish for the interview,
please do not be dissapointed.
Im sure the teachers have think through it
and that theres a reason why they chose ue to be somebody else.

For sports day im thiinking of going to the trial for captain's ball and see if i can get a place.
Ands the.... En Cheng placed my name on trial for campus relay?!
Like do ue think i can run?!
Well anyway,
going t try that out too. =S
hahas xD

alrites thats all thens~




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